Bamboocloud Directory
Lightweight Catalog Product
Bamboocloud Directory
  • High maintenance cost

    High maintenance cost

    The traditional Microsoft AD management platform is complex and lacks support for web-based management. Backup and recovery operations are difficult, batch operations are limited, and deployment and maintenance require specialized personnel, leading to high labor costs and low efficiency.

  • Cyber ​​risks are complex

    Cyber ​​risks are complex

    Traditional Microsoft AD, based on Windows Server and Linux, does not support national cryptographic algorithms (for password storage and data channels), has numerous security vulnerabilities, and is prone to attacks and virus infections, posing security risks to enterprise data.

  • Urgent need for localization

    Urgent need for localization

    Traditional Microsoft AD is limited to the Windows platform and incompatible with Mac systems and localized operating systems. Integration with commercial or custom-developed applications is challenging, creating pressure for enterprises to transition from external ecosystems to localized solutions.



Bamboocloud Directory is a domestic lightweight directory product that serves as the core storage and authentication platform for enterprise identity data. It provides domain control, group policy, directory services, authentication source, and delegated permissions for endpoint computer operating systems. It centralizes the management of user access to the network, including login, verification, and permissions for accessing directories and shared resources.


  • User/device account management

  • Organization/group policy management

  • Catalog and certification services

  • Logging and analysis

  • Data transmission and storage security

  • National localization support (architecture, operating system, middleware, database, etc.)


  • Flexible query mechanism


    Users and administrators can use the RSAT tool as well as the BDM management interface on the web to quickly search for object attributes.

  • Resource sharing is more convenient


    After logging in, users can set access, read, and modify permissions for resources. Different accounts have different access levels.

  • Centralized authority management reduces costs


    Batch management of devices, users, and network resources saves labor costs. Centralized access control prevents unauthorized software installation by employees.

  • Enhanced security and clear permissions


    It provides security policy storage and application, benefiting the management of confidential enterprise data and preventing data leaks.





  • Full localization

    Support localization operating systems, such as Tongxin UOS, Kylin, etc.; support adaptation of domestic databases and middleware

    Full localization
  • Smoothly switch authentication sources

    Using the standard LDAP protocol, it can replace existing LDAP servers, enabling the localization of core enterprise authentication components.

    Smoothly switch authentication sources
  • Compatible with Windows management tools

    Supports seamless integration with Microsoft RSAT domain management tools.

    Compatible with Windows management tools
  • Data seamless migration

    Achieve smooth data migration at multiple AD domain functional levels and smooth data migration under exchange integration

    Data seamless migration
  • Multiple operating systems plus domain support

    Supports adding domain to domestic operating systems such as Tongxin UOS, Kylin, and Win7, win10, macOS, and other operating system terminals.

    Multiple operating systems plus domain support
  • Stable performance and simple operation

    Supports remote installation and deployment, batch domain joining for clients; web-based management and configuration, preserving administrators' usage habits to the greatest extent.

    Stable performance and simple operation